Which plants are susceptible to impatiens downy mildew?


Which plants are susceptible to impatiens downy mildew?


All varieties of the common garden impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) and interspecific hybrids with an Impatiens walleriana parent (such as Fusion and Butterfly impatiens) are susceptible to Impatiens downy mildew. Garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina) is also considered susceptible to Impatiens downy mildew. New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) are highly tolerant of this disease. New varieties of impatiens resistant to impatiens downy mildew are being introduced, including Beacon and Imara XDR, as well as hybrid cultivars of New Guinea impatiens including, SunPatiens® and Bounce™.  No other annuals are infected by this pathogen.

Answered by
  • Specialist
  • Consumer Horticulture Extension
Last updated on
March 20, 2024