How can I propagate garden mums?


How can I propagate garden mums?


Chrysanthemums can be propagated by division and cuttings. 

Divide mums in early spring just as new growth begins to appear.  Dig up the entire plant and divide each plant clump into sections with a sharp knife.  Each division should contain several shoots and a portion of the root system.  Immediately replant the divisions. 

Collect cutting material in spring or early summer.  When the shoots are several inches tall, cut off the upper 3 to 4 inches with a sharp knife.  Pinch off the leaves on the lower portion of the cuttings.  Dip the bottom of the cuttings in a rooting hormone.  Then stick the cuttings in a rooting medium of coarse sand or perlite.  Keep the rooting medium moist.  The cuttings should root in 4 to 5 weeks.  When the cuttings have good root systems, remove them from the rooting medium and transplant the rooted cuttings into pots or plant directly into the garden. 

Last updated on
March 4, 2022