Characteristics of Recommended and Popular Tomato Varieties

Varietygrowthdisease resistanceFruit size (ounces)
dwarfdet.indet.vert.fus.nem.TMV1 or less1-34-89-12over 12
Early (50-65 days)
Early Girl ** *
Pixie II (cherry)*****
Mtn. Spring****
Midseason (65-75 days)
Pik Red* ****
Better Boy*****
Lemon Boy (yellow fruit)*****
Park OG 50*******
Big Beef*******
Patio (cherry)***
Super Sweet 100 (cherry)****
Late (over 75 days)
Big Boy**
Mtn. Delight*****
Roma VF (pear)****

dwarf=short-growing, compact plants
det.=determinate: the terminal bud sets fruit, plants do not grow very tall; most of the blossoms and fruit develop on a plant about the same time. Harvest time is short--only a few weeks. These varieties are not recommended for staking.
indet.=indeterminate: The vine grows very tall because the terminal bud does not set fruit. The blossoms and fruit develop progressively as the vine grows so fruit are in all stages of development--resulting in a long harvest period; caging and/or staking recommended.
vert.=Verticillium wilt resistancefus.=Fusarium wilt resistance (*=race 1 resistance; ** =race 1 and 2 resistance)
nem.=nematode resistance
TMV=tobacco mosaic virus resistance

This article originally appeared in the April 13, 1994 issue, p. 49.


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