About the Iowa Pest Resistance Management Program (IPRMP)


Iowa Pest Resistance Management Program logoIowa Pest Resistance Management Program

The first version of the Iowa Pest Resistance Management Program (IPRMP) is now available! This is an Iowa-specific effort to address pests— including weeds, insects and plant diseases—that can adapt and become resistant to chemical, genetic, and agronomic control practices. The IPRMP outlines approaches for effective, integrated management solutions that will sustainably manage pests. By fostering methods to detect resistance, pest resistance can be delayed or even prevented, limiting its spread. The IPRMP will be updated as efforts progress and new information becomes available. 

Version 1 of the IPRMP is here

A two-page summary handout of the IPRMP is also available.


Given increased attention on the impacts of pesticide-resistant pests on agronomic practices and the changing national regulatory framework to address resistance management, Iowa State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (ISU/CALS), and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) facilitated a one-day meeting on January 30, 2015, to discuss pesticide resistance management options in Iowa crop systems. The meeting included representatives from the Iowa community of farmers, agriculture support networks, and pesticide technology providers. Planning for the workshop included input from Iowa farm organizations, cooperatives, agricultural retailers, certified crop advisers, independent crop advisers, land management firms, and pesticide companies. 

A summary of the meeting, including recommendations based on the day’s discussions, is available here: Resistance Management Meeting Summary Report 2015.pdf

In addition, several background papers that were prepared prior to the meeting are also available here: Resistance Management Meeting Background Materials 2015.pdf

Conceptual Framework

Subsequent to the meeting, Iowa AgState* concurred the time was right for preparing such a plan. A task force comprised of representatives from a cross-section of Iowa AgState organizations, agricultural pest management technology providers, IDALS, and ISU/CALS, was formed to develop a conceptual framework for an Iowa pest resistance management plan.

The framework document is available here: Resistance Management Conceptual Framework 9.7.2016.pdf

*Iowa AgState (Iowa’s Agricultural Strategic Thinkers Acting Together Effectively) was formed in 1997 as representatives of farm and commodity organizations, agribusinesses, state government, and ISU/CALS addressed the need for a long-range, strategic plan for Iowa agriculture. The central goal of the group is to increase the size and scope of Iowa agriculture. Members of Iowa AgState include: Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Iowa State Dairy Association, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Iowa Corn Growers Association/Iowa Corn Promotion Board, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Poultry Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Turkey Federation, Iowa Department of Economic Development (ex officio), IDALS (ex officio), and ISU/CALS.


Agribusiness Association of Iowa logo Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee logo

Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship logo

Iowa Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers logo
Iowa Corn Growers Association logo Iowa Farm Bureau Federation logo

Iowa Independent Crop Consultants Association logo

Iowa Institute for Cooperatives logo

Iowa Soybean Association logo Iowa Soybean Research Center
Iowa State University logo Soil and Water Conservation Society logo
U.S. Fungicide Resistance Action Committee U.S. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee logo  


