Alfalfa Pest Management Working Group
The Alfalfa Pest Management Working Group (APMWG) consists of scientists and extension practitioners who are working together to create management resources for diseases, insect pests, and disorders of alfalfa as part of the Crop Protection Network's online suite of tools. The APMWG has received funding through the North Central Integrated Pest Management Center.
Project Directors: Adam Sisson, Iowa State University and Damon Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Working Group Members and Contributers: Deborah Samac, USDA-ARS; Anthony Hanson, University of Minnesota; Robert Wright, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jeffrey Bradshaw, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kevin Rice, University of Missouri; Katelyn Kesheimer, Auburn University; Kelly Seuhs, Oklahoma State; Bryan Jensen (former member), University of Wisconsin-Madison; Roger Schmidt, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Mimi Broeske, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Alfalfa is a valuable perennial forage crop grown throughout the United States. Obtaining high yields of quality forage, stand longevity, and animal well-being are top priorities for alfalfa farmers and others involved in alfalfa production and protection. However, multiple diseases and insect pests threaten alfalfa production and can even harm animals consuming it. Pest management strategies include resistant alfalfa varieties, pesticides, and cultural practices. Foliar fungicide use is becoming increasingly popular on alfalfa, which can increase risk of pathogen resistance, especially with modern fungicide formulations. Alfalfa weevil has shown resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in several U.S. states. Furthermore, climate pattern changes can complicate risks associated with disease and insect pests. Managing disease and insect pests in alfalfa begins with regular field scouting and properly identifying disease and insect pest issues in a timely fashion. Improper identification and pest sampling techniques may lead to inappropriate and costly management attempts.
This project has a direct benefit to alfalfa farmers, agriculture professionals, and researchers in the North Central region and elsewhere by providing current and timely Extension material to aid in the identification and management of alfalfa pests and to gain an understanding of pest life cycles (Figure 1).
Project Citation: Alfalfa Pest Management Working Group. 2022. Alfalfa Pest Encyclopedia. Crop Protection Network. Online:
Funding: The Alfalfa Pest Management Working Group has received funding through the North Central Integrated Pest Management Center to develop alfalfa pest management resources at the Crop Protection Network's online suite of tools. This work is/was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Crop Protection and Pest Management Program through the North Central IPM Center (2018-70006-28883).