Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Field Day

Wednesday, July 7, 2021 - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Event Type: 

The Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project team will hold a field day Wednesday, July 7.  The event, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., will include both herbicide and fungicide trials in soybeans at a farm southwest of Logan, operated by Larry Buss. This event is free and open to the public.

Ten herbicide programs will be available for comparison to evaluate success and implications for resistance management of weeds including waterhemp, marestail, giant ragweed, and Palmer amaranth. Results of screening of local weed populations for resistance to Roundup, Cobra, and Callisto will be shared.  This year, disease resistance trials will also be available. Treatments were chosen to demonstrate fungicide options and effectiveness.

The agenda for the field day will include:

  • Introduction by Larry Buss, Farmer, Harrison Project Lead, President of the Harrison and Crawford County Corn Growers Association
  • Discussion of demonstration site observations by Jason Sporrer, Agriland FS Agronomist, Brent Wiersma, BASF, and John Swalwell, Asgrow/Dekalb
  • Discussion of fungicide resistance by Mike Witt, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field specialist
  • Multi-tactic approaches to managing herbicide resistance in corn-soybean rotations presentation by Prashant Jha, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach weed specialist
  • Weed seed collection and resistance screening results; Palmer amaranth identification by Mike Witt, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field specialist
  • Economics presentation by Alicia Rosburg, University of Northern Iowa associate professor of economics, and Mike Witt, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach field specialist.

This event will be held rain or shine. The field day location is immediately northeast of the intersection of Niagara Trail and 262nd Street, about 1.5 to 2 miles southwest of downtown Logan. In case of rain, the event will be held at the Logan Community Center, 108 W 4th St, Logan. To confirm details, call the Harrison County Extension Office at 712-644-2105. 

Lunch will be provided at the Logan Community Center.  This field day is free and open to the whole family, but to ensure adequate food and space, RSVPs are requested by Friday, July 2, to Carter Oliver at cpoliver@iastate.edu or 712-644-2105.

The Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project is part of the Iowa Pest Resistance Management Program. The Harrison County project includes team members from Iowa Corn Growers Association, Agriland FS, BASF, Asgrow/Dekalb, Heartland Coop, FCSA Financial, Midstates Bank, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa State University, and local farmers.

For more about the field day, visit https://www.ipm.iastate.edu/harrison-county-pest-resistance-management-project-overview or view the playlist Harrison County Herbicide Resistance Project - 2020 Field Day.

