Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project Overview


Weed resistance field day in soybean field 2018

The Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project is an effort to address the growing challenge posed by resistant pests. Since pests spread easily by wind, water, wildlife and equipment, resistance management is the responsibility of everyone involved in agriculture. A team of farmers, agronomists, crop advisers, researchers, bankers, agribusiness professionals, seed and herbicide company professionals and landowners is working to increase collaboration, spread awareness, and find solutions to resistance issues to ensure that pest resistance management is an integral part of all agricultural business decisions. While the project began with a focus on waterhemp, marestail, giant ragweed, and palmer amaranth, the team decided to expand and address disease resistance as well. This project is one of several resistance management projects being implemented across Iowa as part of the Iowa Pest Resistance Management Program (IPRMP).

The Harrison Project has completed field trials and resistance screenings and has held field days and a field tour.  

Resistant weeds in field
Field infested with giant ragweed and waterhemp

Managing Resistance

To reduce the spread and development of herbicide resistance, the use of diverse weed management programs are essential, including timely applications of herbicide mixtures containing multiple, effective mechanisms of action in addition to cultural and mechanical techniques where feasible. Due to high seed production in many weed species, all efforts to reduce and prevent seed production by resistant individuals will be highly beneficial. 

Who is Involved?

Larry Buss, Farmer, Harrison Project Lead, President of Harrison/Crawford County Corn Growers Association 
Steve Bradbury, Iowa State University - Toxicology
Greg Christiansen, Ag Lender, Midstates Bank, NA 
David Cooper, Farmer, Harrison County Extension Council
Todd Cohrs, Ag Lender, FCSA Financial Officer 
Mike Dickinson, Harrison County Farm Bureau Vice President 
Matt Handbury, Heartland COOP Agronomist 
Paul Lasley, Iowa State University - Sociology
Carter Oliver, Harrison County Director, ISU Extension and Outreach 
David Nistler, Iowa State Program Specialist
Jason Sporrer, Agriland FS Agronomist 
John Swalwell, Asgrow/Dekalb Agronomist 
Brent Wiersma, Business Representative, BASF 
Mike Witt, Iowa State Field Agronomist

2020 Field Day

As a result of the challenges in 2020, the Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project team has created four videos from the 2020 field trials that demonstrate diverse weed management strategies. The complete list of treatments in the plot can be found here. (treatments 101 to 110)

Video 1: Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project Team Progress and Goals

Video 2: 2020 Virtual Field Trials Introduction: Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project

Video 3: 2020 Virtual Field Trials: Soybean Trait System: Dicamba + Glyphosate: Harrison County PRMP

Video 4: 2020 Virtual Field Trials: Soybean Trait System: 2,4-d + Glufosinate + Glyphosate: Harrison Co. PRMP

Learn More

Larry Buss: 712-269-2989, l-bbuss@windstream.net
