Outreach for Harrison County includes field days, presentations a local events, videos and news articles. Handouts have been distributed at local retailers and county events (Harrison County crop fair, Private Pesticide Applicator Training, Denison/Atlantic Crop Advantage Series). The project has been mentioned or promoted at the local crop fair, local extension events, and the county extension board meetings.
Materials to Share
Harrison County Pest Resistance Project Brochure
Soybean Field Day Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydTzOFrZREY
2019 Harrison County Science Policy Tour
2020 Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project Team Progress and Goals
2020 Virtual Field Trials Introduction: Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project
2020 Virtual Field Trials: Soybean Trait System: Dicamba + Glyphosate: Harrison County IPRMP
Field Events
Field Day: Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Over thirty-five participants joined the Harrison County team to hear about
- the Harrison Pest Resistance Management Project team
- 2021 herbicide trials
- Herbicide resistance updates from Harrison County weed screening
- Fungicide resistance screening in Harrison County locations
- First use of weed seed destroyer technology in the United States
- Economics of resistance management (and the cost of delaying efforts)
Science Policy Experience
On August 6th and 7th, 2019, in Iowa, about 70 invited participants from across the United States met to discuss why resistance management issues continue, despite all the knowledge that exists. The first day of the Science Policy Experience on Pest Resistance Management was held in Logan, Iowa, to hear from the Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project team about how the project began and what makes it successful. For more information, visit the event's summary page: https://www.ipm.iastate.edu/science-policy-experience
Field Day: Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 10 am to 1 pm
Come see results of the 2019 field trials, which will include diverse herbicide systems on both till and no-till sites. A comparison of fungicide treatments is also planned. Visit the event's page for more detail.
Location: Immediately northeast of the intersection of Niagara Trail and 262nd Street, which is about 1.5 to 2 miles southwest of downtown Logan.
Field Day: June 18, 2018
A corn weed management field day took place June 18th southwest of Modale. Participants had the opportunity to observe the progress of field trials. They could also learn how to identify Palmer amaranth, as this site was the first case of Palmer amaranth in Iowa.
Field Day: July 13, 2018
The July field day was held at a no-till soybean field southwest of Logan, again featuring ten weed management programs. These replicated treatments allowed attendees to compare differences in weed management between treatments containing residual preemergence herbicides vs. no residual, and the effects of post-emergence residual applications. A video of the field day can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydTzOFrZREY&t=7s.
EPA Tour Stop: August 2, 2018
A group of researchers and representatives from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) heard from the Harrison County Pest Resistance Project Team regarding its efforts to share information on local weed resistance in the county. The team hosted the EPA and USDA personnel on a tour of the no-till soybean field. The Harrison team recognizes that the EPA and USDA are also part of the overall agricultural community that must be engaged to fully deal with pest resistance management.
Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Field Day
Community Collaboration--Lessons from a Community Project by Paul Lasley
Community Collaboration--Why Pest Resistance Management must Involve Group Action by Paul Lasley
Community Collaboration--Then and Now by Paul Lasley
Tackling Pest Resistance in Iowa by Rod Swoboda
Science Policy Experience: Changing Our Dialogue on Resistance Management
What a Community in the Heartland Can Teach Us About Resistance Management
Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Field Day Scheduled July 9
Harrison County Project Finds Local Weeds Resist Common Herbicides
It takes a community to manage pest resistance, by Mike Witt
Can we Win the Resistance Battle? By Brent Wiersma
Managing Pest Resistance in Iowa, by Larry Buss
Battling Resistance Takes a Community Effort, by Evan Sivesind
Pests: Weeds, Insects, Fungi, and Bacterial or Viral Diseases, by Mike Witt
Set goals, work to achieve them, by Rod Swoboda, Wallaces Farmer
Managing pests takes team approach. by Rod Swoboda, Wallaces Farmer
Events in Harrison County Highlight Pest Resistance Management Efforts
Weed Management Field Day to be Held in Harrison County July 13
Weed Management Field Day to be Held in Harrison County June 18
Harrison County Project to Combat Weeds Resistant to Herbicides
Iowa Pest Resistance Management Plan Unveiled
Video Summary of Science Policy Experience from Harrison County Team