Iowa Plant the Moon Challenge


Iowa Plant the Moon Challenge

Participants in the Iowa Plant the Moon Challenge will join a global science experiment and research challenge to examine how vegetable crops can grow in lunar soil. Iowa 4-H will support youth teams through funding from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium, the Iowa 4-H Foundation, and the ISU Integrated Pest Management Program.

Each team will receive real lunar soil simulant and other materials to conduct plant growth experiments. Teams can also partner with an Iowa State University graduate student to design and execute their experiments. The ISU graduate students come from various plant science fields and will communicate virtually with the teams they mentor to provide guidance throughout the program. Teams will prepare and submit a report for NASA scientists by the end of April and attend a closing symposium and awards ceremony held in May. 

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we are able to provide free challenge registration for up to 24 Iowa youth teams.

There are two division for the Plant the Moon. Please read the descriptions and choose the division best for your team. Teams will need a space and materials for growing plants indoors, and funding is available for some plant growth supplies. A single adult leader may register up to two teams. To register a team, click on the link for that division. Registration will close when all spots are filled.

Division 1: Plant the Moon Junior.

10 team spots are available for youth in grades 4-8. Teams should be between 5 and 20 members, and an adult leader needs to register the team and coordinate activities.

Division 1 Registration: Registration is closed.

Division 2: Plant the Moon High School.

14 team spots available for youth in grades 9-12. Teams should be between 3 and 5 members with an adult leader.

Division 2 Registration: Registration is closed.

All teams that register to be part of the Iowa State University-led program are expected to complete all assignments as outlined in the schedule below.

Plant the Moon Challenge Schedule

*Please note all sessions are virtual and do not require in-person attendance.

Tuesday, December 10 Iowa Teams Informational Meeting (Team leaders only)
Mid January Experiment Planning Starts
Late January Opening Symposium
Late January Team Demographic Data Survey
Early February Initial Experimental Designs Due and Experiements Start
Early March Midpoint Grow Updates Due
Late March Grow Period Ends
Mid April Final Reports Due
Mid April Project Videos and Surveys Due
Early May Closing Awards Ceremony

Thank you to our sponsors!

Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management Program, Iowa Space Grant Consortium, Iowa 4-H Youth Development, and Iowa 4-H Foundation.


Visit the Plant the Moon website for more information on the Challenge.