The ISU Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Impact Evaluation FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) – 2015-2018


1) What is this evaluation about?

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the impact of Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management (ISU IPM) programs, activities, and goals. Your voice is critical to this effort. Regardless of how you answer the questions, your responses will help us to critically examine the contributions our program can make to improving pest management, plant health and productivity for all Iowans.

2) Who is doing this evaluation?

The ISU IPM team (including Daren Mueller, Laura Jesse, Jody Korthaus, Warren Pierson, Lina Rodriguez, Adam Sisson and Ed Zaworski) used the input of many different persons and groups interested in the IPM Program and its on-going improvement to plan this comprehensive program evaluation. Additionally, an independent, external evaluator, Dr. Emmalou Norland, ( regularly provides guidance to the IPM team on questionnaire development and testing, data collection and analysis, and other evaluation activity. 

3) What is this specific questionnaire about?

Each questionnaire is different, but in general there are four components possible for each:

  • Basic demographic information to better understand the types of people who utilize IPM programming
  • Client reaction to the IPM activity
  • Knowledge gained from the activity
  • Ways in which a client might have changed or may change a practice or behavior during and/or after the activity

4) Why did I get a questionnaire?

You were selected to receive a questionnaire because you attended an event, used the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic, obtained a publication, or participated in an IPM-related activity.

We are currently surveying only persons 18 years and older so if you received a questionnaire and are younger than 18, please just opt out or discard it.

Here are details about how respondents were selected to receive a questionnaire:

  • ISU Extension Store: A randomly selected subset of clients who purchased and used material from the ISU Extension Store will receive a questionnaire. If you received this questionnaire and are not the one using the material, please disregard the survey instrument. If you have used the material attained from the ISU Extension Store, please complete the questionnaire using the instructions provided.
  • Educational Meeting or On-site Demonstration: Individuals may receive a questionnaire immediately following or at a specified time after an ISU IPM event. These events may be held at the ISU Field Extension Education Farm (FEEL), on the ISU Campus, or through other ISU Extension and Outreach venues.
  • Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic: Individuals who have used the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic may receive a questionnaire about the service received.

We recognize that there are clients who utilize more than one kind of IPM-related service or participate in multiple events. If you do receive more than one questionnaire, we value the input you provide for each individual IPM activity.

5) Do I have to complete the questionnaire?

Your participation is completely voluntary. If you wish to opt out of the survey process, simply do not complete the paper questionnaire, or, if on-line, click the survey link in the e-mail that will take you to the questionnaire and mark “I choose NOT to complete the questionnaire” for Question 1. Opting out now or discontinuing at a later date will have no negative consequences for you and your participation in future IPM activities. 

We do, however, hope you will choose to answer the questionnaire and add your perspective to the impact evaluation! As indicated, information from these questionnaires will help IPM program personnel and funders better understand the benefits of the IPM activities, including the impact the ISU IPM program may have on you and those with whom you interact. 

6) How long will it take to complete the questionnaire?

Each questionnaire is tailored to specific IPM activities. We will make every effort to keep the total time required to respond to the questions less than 10 minutes.

7) How does the online questionnaire work?

To send and manage online questionnaires, we use Qualtrics (, an online surveying tool. The questionnaire link in the e-mail you receive is exclusive to you, so no one else will be able to access the questionnaire from your link. The questionnaire will be available for you to complete for a certain length of time (usually about 10 days from the day you receive the link). And, during that time, if you need to complete the questionnaire in more than one sitting, your answers will be saved and you can continue to access your questionnaire until the final deadline indicated in the e-mail.

8) What will happen to my answers?

Te information gathered is for the sole purpose of ISU IPM program evaluation in order to improve program activities and share impact information with funders and others interested in Integrated Pest Management.

Dr. Norland and selected IPM staff will have exclusive access to the information collected during the evaluation. Individual respondents will never be connected to their answers in any way and information will be compiled and shared using a grouped format.  Information (including databases and completed paper questionnaires) will be kept secure throughout the life of the evaluation and will be destroyed after the required three-year retention timeframe.

8) Is there a consent form for me to sign before I complete the questionnaire?

No. This fact sheet has been developed to provide the information needed for you to make an informed decision regarding questionnaire completion. Your consent to participate will be implied if you complete the questionnaire.  Please contact the individuals identified below if you have additional questions.   

9) Where can I get more information about the questionnaire or the study?

For clarifying questions about the questionnaire or more general information about the purpose of the IPM impact evaluations, please contact: please contact:

Daren Mueller                                               Laura Jesse
(515) 460-8000                                            (515) 294-0581                   

10) Who will see the results of the study?

The final impact evaluation reports will be submitted to ISU administrators and ISU IPM Program funders (e.g., USDA NIFA).

11) Is there anything else I should know?


First, thank you for your participation and interest in Integrated Pest Management. Taking your valuable time to help us determine the effectiveness and impact of our IPM activities is extremely important as we plan for the future and highlight what we have done in the past.

Second, your voice is important. These studies help us better understand the benefits of the IPM activities through a science-based impact evaluation.  
