Join Sebastian Eugene Bartholomew, #Phytopoetry Expert, as he muses on mold, ponders plants, and bellows bug ballads. S.E. Bartholomew specializes in intellectual modesty and tact, using his vast store of knowledge to easily solve complex pest and plant issues.
- - Official Trailer
- Episode 1
For real, nobody knows it all. But we can help each other out with everyday problems. That’s where University Extension comes in. Extension translates science and addresses pest management issues in fields, homes, gardens, and elsewhere. Unlike S.E. Bartholomew, Extension is here to help. Check out the video descriptions on YouTube for Extension resources related to the phytopoetry topic.
Subscribe on YouTube or follow S.E. Bartholomew on Twitter and Instagram for more Phytopoetry!
Videography by Brandon Kleinke. Sponsored, at least in part, by the United States Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA).
Sebastian Eugene Bartholomew is a work of fiction. These videos, along with any associated content, are for entertainment and/or educational purposes, as well as to promote University Extension. Check with your local Extension office for pest management reccomendations for your specific situation. The actors, producers, institutions, or anyone else associated with these videos assume no liability for practices implemented based on this information. Reference to products in this production is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others that may be similar. Individuals using such products or practices assume responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
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