IPM Programs, Lessons, and Podcasts



AgOvation is a research-based competition that challenges youth to explore and develop innovative science-based solutions to agricultural problems that they identify in their own communities. Youth in grades 7 through 12 work in teams of two to five members to develop a project and create a presentation to share their results, findings, and/or created solution/product.

Crops Feed the World 

Iowa 4-H Crops Feed the World Lessons are designed to teach youth in grades 4 through 12 about the exciting world of crop sciences and crop production. Starting with an appreciation of what crops and farmers do for us and ending with a deeper understanding of the biology, study and production of crop plants.

Crop Scouting Competition 

The Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is pleased to present the annual Iowa Youth Crop Scouting Competition. Middle school and high school students (those completing grades 7-12) from Iowa are invited to compete and showcase crop scouting abilities in corn and soybean.

Gardening to Give 

Feed your club, community, country, and world with monthly, hands-on, and research-based activities and learning opportunities focused on gardening and growing, designed for all ages and abilities. By working together across the state to grow gardens, we can not only provide food for our loved ones, but we can donate our harvest to food pantries while engaging in the gardening experience. 

Insect Zoo

The Insect Zoo's mission is to spread bug love. The Insect Zoo is an outreach program developed to foster an appreciation of insects found in Iowa and throughout the world. Participants can view and interact with live insects and other arthropods. The Zoo travels all over Iowa, visiting schools, libraries, church groups, Boy/Girl Scouts, and other educational venues. It can be set up to specifically address certain biological concepts or curriculum requirements. This program was developed by educators and thus encourages the public to maximize its teaching potential.

Iowa Community Tree Steward

The Iowa Community Tree Steward program offers intensive training in community tree management.  This is achieved through six 3-hour training sessions over a six-week period.  In both classroom and hands-on field labs, you will learn: basic tree identification, species selection, tree planting, tree care and maintenance, pest management, value assessment, inventory techniques, program planning, funding, implementation, and much more.

Master Gardener Program

Since 1979 more than 15,130 people have completed the Master Gardener volunteer training thanks to Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Extension Master Gardeners is an internationally recognized volunteer program in all 50 states. 

Monarchs on the Move 

The Monarchs on the Move Challenge is a part of the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience (4-H AIE), an annual program that challenges young people to apply critical thinking and STEM skills to a real-world agriculture challenge. Developed by National 4-H Council and Monsanto, the program helps develop critical workforce skills in young people, and demonstrates how agriculture can be fun!

Native Bee Challenge 

The Native Bee Challenge is a part of the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience, an annual program that challenges young people to apply critical thinking and STEM skills to a real-world agriculture challenge. Developed by National 4-H Council and Bayer, the program helps develop critical workforce skills in young people and demonstrates the fun in agriculture. 

Pesticide Safety Education Program 

The goal of the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) is to provide educational information throughout Iowa on the safe and effective use of pesticides. PSEP is responsible for Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instruction Courses (CIC’s) in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Other programs that PSEP is involved in include integrated pest management, worker protection, environmental quality, and agricultural health.

Plant the Moon 

Participants in the Plant the Moon Challenge will join a global science experiment and research challenge to examine how vegetable crops can grow in lunar or Martian soil. Participants will design and conduct a set of experiments using real soil simulant to grow crops for a future long-duration mission.

Watch Me Grow 

Watch Me Grow is a series of six lessons for crops and horticulture project areas, including: seed dissection, growing experience, rainbow plates, identifying insect pests, compost, and produce to plate. 


I See Dead Plants

The I See Dead Plants podcast shares the stories of people and plants, pests and pathogens, and the conflicts among them. Join us as we speak to the folks who are helping the rest of us live healthier, more productive lives through pest management research and education. We strive to make science accessible. I See Dead Plants is created by the Crop Protection Network and hosted by Ed Zaworski. The Crop Protection Network is a product of land grant universities.

Welcome to Class

The “Welcome to Class” Agriculture Educators Podcast is available for agriculture professionals to get tips and information, think about best teaching practices, and find resources that are available from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
