
Iowa Community Tree Steward

forestry experts in the fieldThe Iowa Community Tree Steward program offers intensive training in community tree management.  This is achieved through six 3 hour training sessions, over a six week period.  In both classroom and hands-on field labs you will learn: basic tree identification, species selection, tree planting, tree care and maintenance, pest management, value assessment, inventory techniques, program

Crop Scouting Competition for Iowa Youth 2024

Introduction to IPMThe Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program and Iowa 4-H are pleased to announce the 2024 Crop Scouting Competition for Iowa Youth. Middle school and high school students (those completing grades 7-12) from Iowa are invited to compete and showcase crop scouting abilities in corn and soybean. The competition will be a one day event focusing on outdoor learning.

Iowa Crop Scouting Competition

Monday, July 31, 2017 - 8:30am to 2:00pm

The Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is pleased to present the 7th annual Crop Scouting Competition for Iowa Youth. High school students (those completing grades 9-12) from Iowa are invited to compete and showcase crop scouting abilities in corn and soybean. The competition will be a one day event focusing on outdoor learning. Sponsors include DuPont Pioneer, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Independent Crop Consultants Association, ScoutPro, Iowa Certified Crop Advisors, and Environmental Tillage Systems.

Pollinator Fest

Saturday, June 23, 2018 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Admission is FREE from 10:00am - 2:00pm on 6-23-2018 to celebrate National Pollinator Week at Reiman Gardens!

There will be many collaborators present to make sure this day is educational and plenty of fun! Collaborators include the Iowa State University Pollinator Working Group, the ISU Entomology Graduate Student Organization, the ISU Graduates in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Blank Park Zoo, and Ames High School.

2017 Integrated Crop Management Conference

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 - 7:30am to Thursday, November 30, 2017 - 5:00pm

The Integrated Crop Management Conference offers workshops focusing on the latest in crop production technology. Experts from Iowa and surrounding states will provide research updates and results in soil fertility, soil and water management, crop production and pest management. Attendees can choose from up to 7 topics each hour. This format allows you to customize your conference experience to meet your interests and CCA credit needs.

Registration and program information for the 2017 ICM Conference will be posted in October.

Crop Scouting Competition

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 8:00am to 2:30pm

High school students from across Iowa are invited to compete and showcase their scouting abilities in corn and soybean on August 5 at the Iowa State University Extension Farm. The competition will be a one day event with both indoor and outdoor components. The theme for this years competition is Crop Scouting Innovations. Monetary prizes will be awarded to winners. Click HERE for more information and registration.
