
Integrated Crop Management Conference

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - 8:00am to Thursday, December 4, 2014 - 4:00pm

The Integrated Crop Management Conference offers over 30 different seminars and workshops focusing on the latest in crop production technology. Experts from Iowa and surrounding states will provide research updates and results in soil fertility, soil and water management, crop production and pest management. Attendees can choose from up to 5 topics each hour. This format allows you to customize your conference experience to meet your interests and CCA credit needs. Click HERE for more information. 

Treatment for Prevention of Emerald Ash Borer

August 8, 2014

A recent inquiry from an Extension and Outreach colleague about timing of preventive treatments for the emerald ash borer (EAB) was insightful. This note is written to help direct types of treatments to the seasons they are most appropriate.


Insecticide product labels state that there are two windows for preventive treatments when applied to the soil or externally to the trunk of the tree: Spring and Fall.  Iowa State University Extension and Outreach publication PM2084 currently includes both windows, in keeping with the product labels.  Trunk injections can be done in a wider window (May through September 1) when the tree has a full crown and there is good soil moisture.

Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed In Boone County

August 4, 2014

DES MOINES – Two adult Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) beetles have been collected from a trap in a residential tree in Boone and have been positively identified as EAB by a federal identifier. The trap was placed in the tree this summer after suspect galleries were found in an ash tree branch that fell during a storm.

A statewide quarantine restricting the movement of hardwood firewood, ash logs, wood chips and ash tree nursery stock out of Iowa into non-quarantined areas of other states was issued on Feb. 4, 2014 and remains in place.


Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Muscatine County

July 23, 2014

Iowa now has 11 infested counties after larva found in Muscatine

DES MOINES, Iowa – A larva collected by the Iowa EAB Team from a residential tree in Muscatine has been positively identified as the Emerald Ash Borer by a federal identifier. A statewide quarantine restricting the movement of hardwood firewood, ash logs, wood chips and ash tree nursery stock out of Iowa into non-quarantined areas of other states was issued on Feb. 4, 2014 and remains in place.

Grasshopper Activity Observed

July 23, 2014

Grasshopper activity has been noted this week in Iowa. These insects feed on grasses and weeds, and can become field crops pests. In corn and soybean, feeding is frequently, but not always, restricted to field edges. When crop injury does occur, it usually is related to drought conditions due to a reduction in natural vegetation.

Department of Agronomy

The Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University provides research-based educational programs in a variety of agronomic areas to support producers and agri-business professionals. Faculty and staff build the body of scientific knowledge including basic molecular-level discovery, field-oriented applied projects, and development of agricultural systems. The ultimate objective within the Department of Agronomy is to make crop production more efficient, more productive, and economically and environmentally sustainable.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach helps carry Iowa State’s land-grant mission beyond campus, to be the university that best serves its state. Our core purpose is to engage citizens through research‐based educational programs, increasing the ability of Iowans to make informed decisions by applying relevant, needs‐driven resources, to create significant impact in our state. ISU Extension and Outreach is focused on feeding people, keeping them healthy, helping their communities to prosper and thrive, and turning the world over to the next generation better than we found it.
