
In Case You Missed It: Tar Spot in Corn is Officially is Iowa

December 12, 2018

In case you missed Iowa State Extension and Outreach Corn Pathologist Alison Robertson's presentation on corn diseases at this year's Integrated Crop Management (ICM) conference, tar spot in corn has been officially confirmed, and has been identified in several counties in the state of Iowa. 

Bacterial leaf streak (BLS)

Iowa State University Extension Plant Pathologists have identified and confirmed several different cases of bacterial leaf streak in corn this growing season. Bacterial leaf streak is relatively new to the United States, with the first case identified in 2016, though symptoms of the disease have been present in Nebraska since 2014. In this video Ed Zaworski, plant pathologist at Iowa State University, takes you into the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic as he examines a sample of bacterial leaf streak in corn.

IPM YouTube

The Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management program is introducing a YouTube channel that promotes efforts of Iowa State scientists and researchers who provide means-tested crop and pest management solutions to stakeholders in Iowa and beyond. At the Integrated Pest Management Iowa State University channel, viewers will find content detailing the efforts and reaches of the IPM program, best practices and information, as well as demonstrations on how to properly identify and evaluate various insect and disease pests and their impacts on field crops.

Physoderma brown spot

Andrew Penney, Iowa State University PhD student in Plant Pathology, discusses the disease Physoderma brown spot.

