
Corn and Soybean Field Guide

Corn and Soybean Field Guide
This 236-page pocket-sized guide (3-3/4" x 6") combines corn and soybean integrated pest management information in one publication for ease of use by corn and soybean farmers, agronomists, and crop scouts. Newly updated text and images provide the tools for identifying insects, diseases, and disorders of corn and soybean in the Midwest. The guide also contains information on developmental stages, pesticide decisions, and other production-related topics.

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic Sample Submission Form

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic Sample Submission Form
The Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnosis of plant problems (plant diseases, insect damage, and assessment of herbicide damage) and the identification of insects and weeds from the field, garden, and home. The PIDC is a joint effort between Iowa State University Extension Plant Pathology, Entomology, Horticulture, and Agronomy. Download and use this form when submitting a plant problem or for insect identification.

Field Crop Insects

Field Crop Insects
Field Crop Insects contains descriptions and images of more than 50 pest and beneficial insects, as well as information on insect life cycle, crop injury, scouting and management options. There is also information on integrated pest management including scouting, degree days, and a defoliation estimation guide. This guide covers corn, soybean, and alfalfa insect pests.

Be a Bug Catcher

Be a Bug Catcher
This newly produced booklet is designed as an introduction to collecting, identifying, and preserving insects for youth. Chapters cover insect anatomy and biology, collecting supplies and preservation techniques, a diagnostic key to help with identification, and other information.