Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project Overview
Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Field Day
The Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project team will hold a field day Wednesday, July 7. The event, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., will include both herbicide and fungicide trials in soybeans at a farm southwest of Logan, operated by Larry Buss. This event is free and open to the public.
ISA all-in on pest resistance management program
Possible tool in the war on resistant weeds
For the second year, ISU is testing a Redekop Seed Control Unit on Iowa farm fields to determine the economic feasibility of harvest weed-seed control.
The Rise of Pest Resistance: Five Trends to Know
The National Corn Growers Association issues a call for pre-proposals addressing innovative solutions to weed management
The National Corn Growers Association recently issued a call for pre-proposals addressing innovative solutions to weed management. Potential concepts include automation in weed control, targeted herbicide application technology; targeted tillage; and harvest technologies to reduce the weed seed bank. Pre-proposals are due June 2, 2021.
More information can be found in the here