Welcome to Class Ag Educators Podcast Trailer
Check out the podcast at https://www.ipm.iastate.edu/podcasts/welcome-to-class
Check out the podcast at https://www.ipm.iastate.edu/podcasts/welcome-to-class
This Podcast series is for Agriculture Education professionals who are looking to bring new ideas, and hot topics of agriculture into their classroom.
Ag Career of the Day: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/agcareers/extension-agenteducator/
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Pest Management
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4H
Don't fear the shop! The agriculture mechanics shop offers students a unique way to learn that they cannot get in a regular classroom. Don't be afraid to learn how to use your Ag Mech shop, you and your students will benefit in the future.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Pest Management
Students come from all different backgrounds and they all have different things to offer. Brenda Allen from Iowa State University 4H Extension and Outreach visits to share her thoughts about positive youth development.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Pest Management
Senior Year!!! Carli shares her personal experience about life after high school. The opportunities are endless in the agriculture industry. Find your passion and run with it.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Pest Management
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4H
Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Carli digs deep into the importance of having a greenhouse and the opportunities it can provide for students. She says greenhouses offer student led learning, school based enterprise SAE’s, community partners, and mentorship.
Integrated Pest Management ISU
FFA: SAE for All
Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
Updated Greenhouse Pest Management Manual
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach- Agriculture and Natural Resources (Crops and Soil)
Carli speaks with Meaghan Anderson about the importance of weed management. Meaghan is a self proclaimed “weed nerd” who is passionate about helping farmers and landowners keep weed out and crop yields high.
Integrated Pest Management ISU
Integrated Crop Management ISU - up-to-date information on Iowa crop management, including information about weed management and herbicide resistance
From Meaghan Anderson:
Iowa State University: 2020 Herbicide Guide for Iowa Corn and Soybean Production - Every year Iowa State University weed scientists produce the Herbicide Guide for Iowa Crop Production, which is a good resource for better management of herbicides
Take Action Pesticide Resistance Management - this website has information on managing weed, insect, and pathogen resistance in row crops
Take Action Herbicide Classification Chart
GROW IWM - A weed science collaboration to share research-based resources and information on herbicide resistance and non-herbicide management tactics
Carli interviews Kelsey Fisher, a graduate student at Iowa State University, talks about the importance of pollinators! She specializes in entomology, specifically studying and conducting research on monarch butterflies.
Integrated Pest Management ISU
From Kelsey Fisher:
Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium
Carli speaks with 2017-2018 National FFA secretary Erica Baier about her experiences as an Ag leader. We also speak with 4-H Global Citizenship Intern Katelin Pagel to talk about how to implement global citizenship in your life and community.
Carli weighs the options about alternative crops with Warren Pierson, field manager at Iowa State University’s Field Extension Education Lab. Warren shares his experience with growing crops we don’t normally consider.
Iowa State University Extension Store: Pasture Management Guide for Livestock Producers
Recognizing Challenges to Iowa’s Annual Cropping Systems
From Warren Pierson:
Integrated Crop Management ISU
Integrated Pest Management ISU
Iowa State University Research Farm Reports
Iowa State University Extension Store: Crops