Ghost Bees
Randall Cass and Ashley St Clair of the IPM4Bees group shot some varroa mite management videos and from those videos this Halloween special was created! Happy Hallowbees!
Randall Cass and Ashley St Clair of the IPM4Bees group shot some varroa mite management videos and from those videos this Halloween special was created! Happy Hallowbees!
Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair discuss their honey bee research: How do the stresses of living in an agricultural landscape impact honey bee health? Can native perennial forage rescue colonies from late season declines and agricultural stress? Is there an impact of honey bee colonies on wild bee populations and their health in agricultural landscapes?
Ashley St. Clair and Randall Cass helped create this video showing the IPM4Bees field day: “Varroa mites are a honey bee parasite that spread disease and weaken hives. By monitoring mites, beekeepers can make informed management decisions for this pest.” In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair (Iowa State University) demonstrate how to perform an alcohol wash to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair (Iowa State University) demonstrate how to perform an ether roll to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
In this quick one minute video Randall Cass and Ashley St. Clair demonstrate how to perform a sugar shake to monitor varroa mites in your honey bee hive.
Welcome to The Undergrowth. We speak to celebrated scientists and eminent educators about plants and pests. Join us as we embrace knowledge together on this expedition into mysterious realms.
Sebastian speaks with Mr. Randall Cass, an extension bee specialist and staff member at Iowa State University, about the issues that impact honey bees. Want to know about bee keeping and native bees? See the following Extension resources: