
Water is Life

Welcome to Class

Carli gets the details from Lynne Campbell about the 2020 Ag Innovators Experience called “Water Connects US All”. We talk about why our waterways are struggling, and what we can all do to help!

National FFA Organization 

National 4H Organization 

Crops Feed The World

Prairie Rivers of Iowa

Iowa State University Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering


Welcome to Class Agriculture Educators Podcast

Be a Bug Catcher

Be a Bug Catcher
This newly produced booklet is designed as an introduction to collecting, identifying, and preserving insects for youth. Chapters cover insect anatomy and biology, collecting supplies and preservation techniques, a diagnostic key to help with identification, and other information.

Gettin’ Fungicide All Up in My Canopy

I See Dead Plants

On this episode of the I See Dead Plants Podcast, host Ed Zaworski speaks with Dr. Andrew Penney, a former PhD. student at Iowa State University who now works with Bayer Crop Sciences as a Technical Agronomist. Andrew shares his past experiences as a student working to understand different fungicide application technologies and how they affect overall yield. He also explains his research findings from his article, published by Elsevier Ltd., called “Comparison of aerial and ground sprayer fungicide application technologies on canopy coverage, disease severity, lodging, and yield of corn”.

Additional Resources:

Meta-analysis of yield response of foliar fungicide-treated hybrid corn in the United States and Ontario, Canada by Wise et al. 2019.

Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases from the Crop Protection Network.

Impact of foliar fungicide timing and fungicide class on corn yield response in the United States and Ontario, Canada from the Crop Protection Network.

Fungicide Use in Field Crops web book from the Crop Protection Network.

Comparison of fungicide application technology: Relationship between coverage and disease severity and the physiological impact of fungicides on grainfill thesis.

How to cite this podcast:

Zaworski, E. (Host) and Penney, A. (Interviewee). Gettin’ Fungicide All Up in My Canopy. S1:E3 (Podcast). July 28, 2021. In I See Dead Plants. Crop Protection Network. Https://'-fungicide-all-my-canopy.

Army of Fatherless Clones: Soybean Aphid Decision Making - Part 1

I See Dead Plants

On this episode of the I See Dead Plants Podcast, host Ed Zaworski speaks with Ashley Dean, an Education Extension Specialist at Iowa State University to break down the importance of integrated pest management or IPM, for determining the next steps when dealing with an insect infestation. Ashley shares insights from her article, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry, called “Developing a decision‐making framework for insect pest management: a case study using Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae)”.

Additional Resources:

Soybean Aphid Field Guide from the North Central Soybean Research Program.

Soybean Aphid Resources from the Soybean Research and Information Network.

Soybean Aphid Informational YouTube Video (26 minutes) from Iowa State University.

Biology of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States by Tilmon et al. 2011.

Management Recommendations for Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States by Hodgson et al. 2012.

North Central Soybean Research Program web site.

Evaluation of Soybean Aphid Management Tacitcs from Iowa State University.

Soybean Entomology Research Laboratory at Iowa State University.


How to cite this podcast:

Zaworski, E. (Host) and Dean, A. (Interviewee). Army of Fatherless Clones: Soybean Aphid Decision Making - Part 1. S1:E1 (Podcast). July 28, 2021. In I See Dead Plants. Crop Protection Network.“discovering-right-decision-soybean-aphid-ipm-part-1”-ashley-dean


I See Dead Plants

Army of Fatherless Clones: Soybean Aphid Decision Making - Part 2

I See Dead Plants

On this episode of the I See Dead Plants Podcast, host Ed Zaworski continues the conversation with entomologist Ashley Dean about her article on soybean aphid, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry, called “Developing a decision‐making framework for insect pest management: a case study using Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae)”.

Additional Resources:

Soybean Aphid Field Guide from the North Central Soybean Research Program.

Soybean Aphid Resources from the Soybean Research and Information Network.

Soybean Aphid Informational YouTube Video (26 minutes) from Iowa State University.

Biology of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States by Tilmon et al. 2011.

Management Recommendations for Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United States by Hodgson et al. 2012.

North Central Soybean Research Program web site.

Evaluation of Soybean Aphid Management Tacitcs from Iowa State University.

Soybean Entomology Research Laboratory at Iowa State University.

How to cite this podcast:

Zaworski, E. (Host) and Dean, A. (Interviewee). Army of Fatherless Clones: Soybean Aphid Decision Making - Part 2. S1:E2 (Podcast). July 28, 2021. In I See Dead Plants. Crop Protection Network.

I See Dead Plants

Drone Uses for Agriculture Roadshow

AMES, Iowa – Farmers and anyone within the agricultural industry who wants to know more about how drones can be used on their operation should consider attending the “Drone Uses for Agriculture Roadshow,” Aug. 13 at Iowa State University’s Field Extension Education Lab (FEEL).

These small, unmanned aircraft systems, most commonly called “drones,” give farmers a unique and efficient means of monitoring their operation from above.

Crop Advantage Series January 2020

In this video field agronomist Meaghan Anderson (Iowa State University) discusses the upcoming Crop Advantage Series with local farmer Erik Wibholm from Stratford, Iowa.

Crop Advantage meetings provide a solid foundation of current, research-based crop production information to help make smart, informed decisions in the farming operation.

January 2020 | 14 Iowa locations
