
Pest Management and the Environment

The Pest Management and the Environment (PME) program provides educational information throughout Iowa on the safe use of pesticides. The PME program is responsible for Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). Other programs that PME is involved in include worker protection, water quality, and agricultural health.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach helps carry Iowa State’s land-grant mission beyond campus, to be the university that best serves its state. Our core purpose is to engage citizens through research‐based educational programs, increasing the ability of Iowans to make informed decisions by applying relevant, needs‐driven resources, to create significant impact in our state. ISU Extension and Outreach is focused on feeding people, keeping them healthy, helping their communities to prosper and thrive, and turning the world over to the next generation better than we found it.

North Central IPM Center

The North Central IPM Center works to ensure coordination of efforts and resources to enhance IPM development and adoption for production agriculture, natural resources, recreational environments, and residential and public sites.

Praying Mantis

Adam Sisson (Integrated Pest Management Specialist) discovers a praying mantis in a soybean field and attempts to showcase it's raw power and agility.

I See Dead Plants Podcast Trailer

I See Dead Plants

The "I See Dead Plants" podcast aims to provide community growers and citizens with crop, pesticide, fungicide, and management knowledge for daily life. Listen to the trailer here for more information from Ed Zaworski and Daren Mueller.

I See Dead Plants
