
Drone Uses for Agriculture Roadshow

AMES, Iowa – Farmers and anyone within the agricultural industry who wants to know more about how drones can be used on their operation should consider attending the “Drone Uses for Agriculture Roadshow,” Aug. 13 at Iowa State University’s Field Extension Education Lab (FEEL).

These small, unmanned aircraft systems, most commonly called “drones,” give farmers a unique and efficient means of monitoring their operation from above.

Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)

Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
The goal of the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) program is to provide educational information throughout Iowa on the safe use of pesticides. The PSEP program is responsible for Pesticide Applicator Training in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). Other programs that PSEP is involved in include integrated pest management, worker protection, water quality, and agricultural health.

Early Season Planting (What Could Go Wrong?)

In this video Warren Pierson, Field Extension Education Laboratory coordinator, shows viewers some early season planting plots and discusses what can go wrong when planting too early.
