
4-H and FFA work for youth

Welcome to Class

Hear from the leader of Iowa 4-H and the executive director of Iowa FFA about the goals of these youth serving organizations, benefits for youth, and how the programs are complimentary and can work together to support youth.


Water Connects Us All

Welcome to Class

Jacob Hunter, Ag Ed teacher from North Scott, and Caitlyn Engelbrecht, high school student, talk about their involvement in the Ag Innovators Experience: Water Connects Us All program. This program provides opportunties for teen leadership and education about water quality.


Corn and Soybean Field Guide

Corn and Soybean Field Guide
This 236-page pocket-sized guide (3-3/4" x 6") combines corn and soybean integrated pest management information in one publication for ease of use by corn and soybean farmers, agronomists, and crop scouts. Newly updated text and images provide the tools for identifying insects, diseases, and disorders of corn and soybean in the Midwest. The guide also contains information on developmental stages, pesticide decisions, and other production-related topics.

"Who Milks the Bees?" |The Undergrowth

Welcome to The Undergrowth. We speak to celebrated scientists and eminent educators about plants and pests. Join us as we embrace knowledge together on this expedition into mysterious realms.

Sebastian speaks with Mr. Randall Cass, an extension bee specialist and staff member at Iowa State University, about the issues that impact honey bees. Want to know about bee keeping and native bees? See the following Extension resources:

Bee Program at Iowa State University

Crop Scouting Competition 2023 | Highlights

The Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program and Iowa 4-H are pleased to announce the 2023 Iowa Youth Crop Scouting Competition. Middle school and high school students (those completing grades 7-12) from Iowa are invited to compete and showcase crop scouting abilities in corn and soybean. At this anual event, teams work with with Iowa State University staff and industry professionals to identify corn and soybean problems in the field. Top teams win prizes and advance to the regional competition.

Rhizosphaera Needle Cast

In this video we follow Ed Zaworski as he shows us how to diagnose some tree problems.

Several samples have come into the Plant Disease Clinic lately, showing symptoms and signs typical of Rhizosphaera needle cast. This disease is caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii and is most common on Blue spruce; however, Black Hills spruce is also susceptible.

A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases

A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases
A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases provides an overview of the corn diseases that currently occur in the United states and Canada, with an emphasis on diagnosing diseases in the field. Information for each disease includes symptoms and signs, conditions that favor disease, similar looking diseases and disorders, and a review of basic management options. The book also contains a diagnostic key and disease distribution maps. Published by APS Press, A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases was developed by Iowa State University in partnership with several other universities. CSI

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic Sample Submission Form

Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic Sample Submission Form
The Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnosis of plant problems (plant diseases, insect damage, and assessment of herbicide damage) and the identification of insects and weeds from the field, garden, and home. The PIDC is a joint effort between Iowa State University Extension Plant Pathology, Entomology, Horticulture, and Agronomy. Download and use this form when submitting a plant problem or for insect identification.
