
Turfgrass Rust

August 8, 2014

Rust is a fungal disease caused by several species of Puccinia.  All turfgrass species are susceptible to rust.  However, it is most commonly seen on perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass. 


From a distance, rust infected turf has a yellow-brown color.  Close examination of rust-infected grass blades reveals numerous yellow-orange pustules.  Rust can be easily diagnosed by walking across the lawn.  As one walks across the lawn, bright orange spores of the rust fungus rub off onto one’s shoes. 

Managing White Mold in Soybean

July 7, 2014

Farmers in the Midwest may be concerned about white mold (also called Sclerotinia stem rot) in soybean this year. The disease, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is not common every year, but farmers who have battled the disease in the past will want to assess the risk of white mold development as soybeans approach flowering (growth stage R1 – plants have at least one open flower at any node).

Know Your Mycotoxins

October 9, 2018

With the harvest underway throughout Iowa, rain in some parts of the state is stopping combines from securing kernels from the field. Depending on your location, disease pressure might not have been high. However, rainfall patterns  throughout the season, and even over the last several weeks, means we are not out of the woods yet. Ear rots and associated mycotoxins could be problematic as corn sits in the field awaiting harvest.