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Will Cereal Rye Supress Weeds In this Weekly Weed Watch video, field agronomist Meaghan Anderson takes a look at some research plots (Edward Dearden)that have cereal rye cover crop with different timing termination. SUBSCRIBE: Make sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and help us grow our channel:
How To Optimize Pollinization Of Acorn Squash In Mesotunnels |
Principles of Pruning: The Suppression Cut 0:00 Ornamental 0:43 What We're Doing 2:35 Identifying Branch for Removal 2:56 Suppression Cut 4:07 Goals 5:45 Another Suppression Cut |
Storm-Damaged Forests: Assessment following the Storm This ~3-minute video provides a general overview of how to assess and evaluate forests following impactful storm events. Specific topics include: safety, mapping damage extent, types and implications of damage, evaluation of the understory and regeneration, and planning for recovery and resilience. This is the second video in the ISU Extension Forestry / Integrated Pest Management Storm-Damaged Forests series. |
Carpenterworm In this video Dr. Laura Iles with the Plant and Insect Diagnostic clinic at ISU shows us an up-close look at a carpenterwom moth! |
2020 Virtual Field Trials Introduction: Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project The Harrison County Pest Resistance Management Project team created 2020 field trials to help local farmers see examples of local weed pressure and strategies for management. This video introduces the 2020 soybean trait trials, which include both Dicamba + Glyphosate trials and 2,4-d + Glufosinate + Glyphosate trials. Learn how the trials were prepared, planted and managed. |
Weed ID: Burdock (Thanks for the VELCRO!) In this WEED ID video, Weed Specialist Bob Hartzler shows us how to properly identify this plant and gives us some insight into the weed. |
Bugs 'N Blades: How to identify insects Check out this new video series Bugs 'N Blades! |
This Radish is HUGE! (Cover Crop Research) |
Praying Mantis Adam Sisson (Integrated Pest Management Specialist) discovers a praying mantis in a soybean field and attempts to showcase it's raw power and agility. |